Succeeding in todays marketplace means we need to streamline production processes, here at Expert we do this by utilising the latest technological applications and software.
The ability to use our CAD system not only highlights manufacturing difficulties but continues to maintain links allowing quick and efficient programming, in particularly when a design change is made our Cam software will highlight changes on model updates showing what the changes are and tool paths requiring correction. To further safeguard machining practices Expert then validate procedures and set ups through our Verification software, this simulates CNC machining in the actual machine environment detecting any errors, potential collisions, even going as far as identifying areas of inefficiency. Verification enables our off line programmers to correct errors before the program is ever loaded on the CNC machine, thereby drastically reducing manual prove-outs.
We concentrate on key areas for the controlling of development costs whilst maintaining high levels of quality. We have a vast amount of experience in working closely with design companies in bringing the prototype component to life. We can identify design features which make the part more difficult and expensive to manufacture. We can offer a solution to tackling these problems or assist in modifying the design in order to bring down the production cost.
Once the part is produced, inspected and delivered to the customer we pride ourselves in maintaining a great customer relationship. After testing should the part require any further modification then we will prioritise getting this part back on the machine then returned to the customer ASAP.
We Can Offer
- CAD Modeling, Repair, Reverse-Engineering from blue-print, sketch, or part
- Tool and Fixture design services.
- File Translation: STEP, IGES, 3DXML, Parasolid, CATIA V4/V5, APT, Solidworks, DXF, DWG, and more.
- CAD Drafting, Professional Blueprint Creation: Any Origin- CAD Models, PaperSketches, Lazar Scan, or Part, Paper to CAD conversions.